
Be forewarned, some are on very esoteric subject matters

A Whisker Away - An error when writting internal conflict

Wouldn't it be great to have a character moment where Muge, trapped in the body of a cat, is forced to find some way to communicate what she couldn't say until it was too late?

SPARC: Innovative magnet technology to accelerate the timeline for fusion

From cosmology to quantum mechanics, the theory of massive gravity seeks to answer a fundamental mystery about the expansion of the universe by weakening the force of gravity itself.

Massive Gravity

From cosmology to quantum mechanics, the theory of massive gravity seeks to answer a fundamental mystery about the expansion of the universe by weakening the force of gravity itself.

Coding In a Team: My First Research Internship

What’s the difference between completing coursework as an undergraduate in physics and working in a real research team? One might conceive of the task as more meaningful, as it contributes to current research, or discuss how the content is more difficult, extending beyond the normal undergraduate curriculum. However, most prominent for me was how tightly cooperative the work is.

Fighting Habit Relapse

Recently, I’ve caught myself out for trying to use my phone as an emotional crutch. This leads me to ask: What leads us to relapse in old bad habits? How can we combat the phenomena of habit relapse?

A very much undesired adventure

She’d gone in for surgery that morning – well she couldn’t be sure it was still the same day anymore – yet somehow had ended up tumbling out of a drop pod.

Attitudes to addressing immorality in 'The Book of Mormon'

Despite the seeming absurdity of the conversion of General Butt Fucking Naked in The Book of Mormon, the real world context upon which this was based reveals the surprising capacity for even the worst people to change for the better. It also ties into a wider conversation on the archetype of the “psychopath” used in popular discourse, despite an utter lack of grounding in reality.

ISL’s logo change: cliché avoidance, excessive abstraction and some alternatives

At the start of this academic year (2019-2020) the International School of Lausanne changed its school logo. Plenty of students have made fun of this change, me included. (Oh the fun of high school student group chats.) However, I believe there is merit in examining the perspective of the other side.